
Interview with Salt Lake weekly's ARTIST OF THE YEAR- Zac Ivie

TODAY WE SPEAK WITH HIP-HOP ARTIST Zac Ivie Hello Zac , I hope that your quarantine is going as smooth as possible. I have a few questions for you today. Q1. What do you do to stay driven in times like these when you cant do the shows or sell merchandise at live events? And has it been discouraging or made you want it even more? - Man to be completely honest.. I feel like us independent Artists THRIVE and really BLOSSOM in these types of environments... That is... If you hunker down.. and aren't afraid to get a little creative.... you can always find a way outside of the usual touring, shows, and merch to make income off music... I've just been trying to reflect how I feel on the page lately, and am taking some extra time to learn Q2. What is your favorite song you ever created and why? -That's a good Question! My answer is whatever one I'm currently working on lately... haha.. Idk.. I really feel like I love them all equally but my favorite project is always watchin
B.Dolan , What is up?  Glad to be able to ask you a few questions. Ain't nuttin, man.  Same shit, same quarantine day.   Hanging out with my nephew in Minecraft world,  exploring the Metaverse while trying to avoid the MAGA-virus death cult outside as much as possible.  Q1. When did you decide to write the film VAULT? It is such an amazing movie and the score for the film was perfectly done.   Do you plan to do more movies? I've been writing movies since around 2008, when I was contacted by a director and production company in RI who liked my first album.  They originally hired me to low budget horror movies, but were impressed by how much depth I was able to put into our first movie.  That one was called "Almost Mercy" and came out in 2015.  Movies are such a huge collaborative effort, and everyone is continually trying to get better at their part.  By 2016, I had a few more scripts under my belt and was presented with the opportunity to do
Today we speak with Hip-Hop artist Mike Xavier. Q1. What do you do to stay driven in times like these when you can't do the shows or sell merchandise at live events? And has it been discouraging or made you want it even more? A: Luckily for me, I was working hard on new music to release before all this happened. Back in February, I had already uploaded new releases to cover me from February until at least June. Although I'm in no rush to work on new music right now, I've been listening to new beats lately to stay motivated. I'm not discouraged; I'm just going to keep creating whenever I feel motivated to do so. Q2. What is your favorite song you ever created, and why? A: I can't say I have a single favorite song of mine. If I had to name a few that I playback often, I'd say, "Dream," "Be Here," "Dead Presidents," "Open Letter," and "Nothing but Love." Q3. What do you see yourself doing after rap or later
TODAY WE SPEAK WITH HIP-HOP ARTIST  Harvey Listen  HELLO Harvey, I hope that you are doing well today!   I have a few questions for you. Q1. Who is the rapper that influenced you to make music the most growing up, and why? -Kanye west, he was just so unapologetic and his music was phenomenal! He paved the road for a lot that’s happened in hip hop TO THIS DAY! Q2. When and what was your favorite event you've ever performed at and why? Probably the BLVK FRIDAY EVENT we threw at triple Bs . Great crowd, great turnout! And I got to perform with my best friends! Q3. What do you see yourself doing after rap or later in your career? The better question is what WONT I be doing! I just plan on making safe investments. Also take the necessary risks to keep myself open to all opportunities! Q4. This question will be asked to every person I interview, Tacos or pizza? Pizza 100%, sorry snap, preferable white pizza!